5/29/22: At FS (MD [Maryland]) Recovery So I got better at inpatient, decided to live—then Dad forced me into a residential health program at TR. It was that or the homeless shelter, so I went, felt hopeless again. But it was good there. The people cared for me, I got well treated for my depression and new bipolar diagnosis—I got a bipolar 2 diagnosis at inpatient, which changed to unspecified bipolar disorder at TR after more detailed symptom questions—got happier, more positive than in months. The neurologist said I probably have pseudo-dementia, which is when depression/stress/anxiety/etc causes dementia-like symptoms in the brain; he said it because my EEG, MRI, and CT Scan all came back great, and my memory has gotten better with mental health treatment. Pseudo-dementia is treated psychologically, not neurologically, and the better my mental health gets, the better I’ll be. I’m at a new residential PHP called FS; it’s not as good as TR, and being out of Retreat Land and back in more of The Real World has upped my worry/anxiety a bit. While away, E[liana] was able to find a new place to live, but not for me, as since I’m not there I can’t sign a lease; when they found that out I told them to just look for a place for them, and they did, yay! Dad’s being his regular abusive self, just awful. I don’t have a place lined up after this PHP is done, still no money really, and Dad likely stole & hid/destroyed my cell [phone]. I‘m hopeful [that] things will be ok. I’ve worked hard on myself and hope to keep improving as I try to secure my future with E[liana]. I’m glad I have my friends, especially [P]—she was an invaluable support at inpatient, still is now. I’m gonna keep my head up and try to remain strong. I can survive.